TRANSCRIPT: 12-28-24

Oh, My United States, your debt clock is a lie, and your financial system is corrupt. It looks one way in this Nation when it is (truthfully) another. Your leaders have financially enslaved this Nation to other nations around the world, and they paid other nations to oppress you to save their precious reset. 

I will show you who really took you away from the gold standard, how they did it, and how they put this Nation on the fast track of corruption and destruction. I will show you what they did to the silver (market) to keep it going only so high to manipulate the economy even more. 

My children, once again, I say your tax system is a lie. This system will fall, and when it does, it will bring relief and freedom to so many. Children of Almighty God, what you thought was a normal system was not normal at all. Don’t you see that it was a lie your enemies have used to enslave you in their system, a system that should not even exist? 

Their credit system is a joke. Their interest rates are completely corrupt. Those rates are meant to keep you from ever getting out of debt. Then, they can control you more and take away anything you have because you are not able to pay it back. This credit system with out-of-control interest rates will be shattered by Me, says the Lord. 

I told you I would rip apart Wall Street and its corruption of manipulating the financial system so that only some get rich while they gut others of their wealth. I will show you one of the biggest Ponzi schemes of all while you watch it fall. 

I will show you the big banks and their ties to your government. I will show you how much China has invested in your country and in each leader they own. This is the time the pharaohs of today will be ripped from their positions of power and wealth that they stole from the world. 

My children, I told you that it was not just an election that would save you. It has to be a political reset. Many are still looking to My David to fix everything, but he cannot (do anything) without Me. No one will share in this glory. Yes, I am using President Trump in more ways than you realize. But it is My power behind him that will force your enemies out from everywhere they do not belong. 

This Nation is about to celebrate the biggest Independence Day of all time because you are getting your independence from the wicked leaders and their wicked system. I am moving My Hand to heal your land of such evil. 

Many of My children still believe that this is too good to be true. But My children, I am a big God, and I have dealt with leaders and systems like this before, and they are no match for Me, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Many still think (that because of) this last election, they can just sit out and not fight the good fight of faith or stand because now it is all over. Or is it? 

I told you to continue standing, hold the line, and never to surrender. Your enemies are not done doing things against you. I have given you the authority to take them out once and for all. Do not sit on the sidelines. Do not get overwhelmed by their attempts to overtake you. Do not give in to anything they try against you. Viruses, blackouts, and more are coming. They will attempt these things to try to stop My Glory. But My children, stand and resist, and you will be glad you did. Your enemies are nothing compared to Me. 

So, as you see your enemies’ attempts to try to attack you and this Nation, remember that they are the ones that will be destroyed, not you. Nations will try to sabotage, attack, and bankrupt you, and they will try to rid the Earth of this Nation and My Church. But I will have the final say, and they will not have their way. 

So, hold on when you see things change. Hold on when things become increasingly abnormal. I told you there will be things that you will not understand. Keep in My Word. Keep spending time with Me, and you will see victory, freedom, and great restoration, says the Lord your Redeemer. 


After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard this: 

Do not fall for the artificial intelligence. It is a lie. I will show you the technology they are using to distract and deceive while trying to destroy you. I will annihilate this deception before your eyes. 

These are the days when religious leaders will fall, one right after another. Those in churches who are like the world will fall. Soon, My children, you will see which churches and ministries are for Me. Some prophets are part of the occult world, and they were meant to bring great confusion into this Earth and to steer people away from Me. I am ripping apart the religious leaders, those prophets, and anyone else who is against Me, and they will be no more, says the Lord. 

I am turning (over) the tables in the church once again to show you the ones who are part of the thievery and the ones who are part of the global government and their one-world religion. Yes, a great shaking is coming to the church. 

And to those faith leaders next to My David who are not truly with Me: I will be removing you, and a restructuring of the leaders I truly want next to My David will take place. The fall of these so-called faith leaders will shock many. President Trump will have those I have called to him, and no one will stop what needs to be changed, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Woe to all of you in Washington. Your Pandora’s box, every skeleton, and every secret will be ripped away from your control, and you will no longer be able to hide the truth from the American people or the world. Mass panic is setting in in DC, and there is no way for you to be free. This last regime of your swamp, or administration, as you call it, will be your utter demise, says the Lord.