As I come, says the spirit of God, to reset the earth, look closely for the God who sets up kings and takes them down, is in the process of doing this. Do not be alarmed, for there will be strange, strange, strange things that will arise among leaders of nations, and territories, boundaries, maps, leaders of nations, for there will be one who will disappear, and men shall scratch their heads and say, where have they gone? 

While another before the eyes of mankind shall fall down, and shall give up the ghost before the eyes of the earth, and others will be so it would be pushed out, others will step down, they’ll come those who will rise by great multitudes and masses that will demand change, demand freedom, and nations will seem like they are upside down,

I speak of you even Australia, but you are right side up, for I will write your government Australia, and I’m going to shake you violently Canada, new leadership shall arise, and boundaries will be expanded, and borders and maps will not look like they previously looked, for they will be expanded and change, and I speak even of Israel, for a strange thing shall arise among the Arab nations, and they shall come and they shall shake hands with you Netanyahu, because of the compassion, not of man’s heart, but of God himself, who stands in the midst of the earth, and my compassion shall be seen in the earth, and it will be seen over the Middle East, as new boundaries are set, expansion comes, the land that I promised to Abraham, and to his descendants, shall be clearly known, do not fear, for men will say this is the time of peace, and then sudden destruction, not yet, this the shaking of hands, the agreement and expansion and new territory, and new names shall arise in nations that already exist, it is to show the earth my reset, because in the days of Ronald Reagan, communism fell, watch what happens, it is my 12-year kingdom plan, where the walls of Islam, the walls in the Middle East, the walls over Asia, shall suddenly crumble, and there will be a sound that will rise up in the earth, Yeshua, Yeshua, and it will come from these places, where the walls have crumbled, Lord we worship you.