He said, son, tell my people I see you and I am coming to your rescue, declares the Lord. For the enemy has thought that he could send the python to squeeze you in this last moment before your victory. But I say to you, have hope again.
I say to you this day through my servant, have faith again. For you will see your dreams and you will see your future. And the promises that I have given to you come to fruition, declares the Lord.
For I am coming to your rescue, my people. For I will bring forth my hand to crush the devices of the enemy concerning you. My children, you are about to see a transformational move of my spiritthat shall shift all things concerning you.
You will look back and say, look at what my God has done. Yes, I say the future for my people is bright. For I am shifting the foundations of all things.
And I am going to bring forth my kingdom agenda, my will and my great release of the treasures that I have promised to you. I say hope fast, for I am doing it. I am doing a new thing.
It shall spring forth, shall you not know it? I say, hear me, listen to my words as my spirit provokes you to action. Stand, trust, believe, pray, praise me and give me glory for what I am about to do.
For this day, hear me, I lift up your heads, for I am the one who lifts up your head.I am your shield around about, I am your redeemer, I am your deliverer. I am your rock, I am your healer, I am Jehovah Jireh, I am your provider. But I say in this hour, it shall not just be provision, but I shall show you great wealth of my kingdom.
My hand shall be opened unto you and you will see good pleasure. Watch now and see the salvation of your God. For as I delivered the children of Israel, my people, I will deliver you.
The times that I have promised are here. Did you hear what he just said? The times that I have promised are here. For I am moving, hold on and watch for my promises as they are released unto you.The first quarter, the first quarter of your year 2025 shall be that of change. Deliverance after deliverance, shift after shift, the release of my good pleasures unto you. For I am renovating, I am moving, I am establishing and I am doing it.
All things change now declares the Lord. So trust me and see me do it for you. For I love you, I am your father, I am faithful and I am true, declares the spirit of the sovereign Lord.