So he spoke to me and he said for surely it shall be known in this hour that all things that I have implemented and spoken to be shall live hallelujah he said I say what the enemy has said could not and cannot be I say it shall be the difficulties the mountains that have been placed in front of you and the assignments that I have said for you to do now you shall see great victoryadvancement and breakthrough declares the Lord for it will be known now in this hour that the sound here it is that the sound of a rattle will come as I cause bones to come alive and move again into their proper position and alignment for now you shall move into greater works of my hand declares the Lord you shall move with great dimensions in me you will speak and it will happen you will move with my strategic light and anointing from my spirit and you will see my handthrough you as I cause these things that I have that that have died or seem to be dead to rise again let me say that again that that’s that portion of this I would he says he said I will move with my strategic light and anointing from my spirit and you will see my hand through you as I cause these things that have died or seemed to be dead to rise again to come to life to live again I say get ready for surely this is the hour of my roar as I rattle and as I bring to manifestation that that I have said would be declares the Lord oh for I say surely it will be as I have spoken what the enemy has done to try and stop my people from breaking through is now over declares the Lord for I am causing a life a life to be breathed on again I shall breathe upon my people your lives I will breathe upon you my church shall rise up and as they do the world will know that my church is alive but evermore evermore so they will know that the King of glory is alive and well declares the Lord for you will see and you will know my glory in this hour and you will experience my hand and the world will see the supernatural works of my kingdom in the earth realm oh I say take a deep breath now glory to God I feel that anointing take a deep breath now my faithful ones and live again I say live again for surely the sound of my voice has been spoken to you this day and the world will hear me through you as I cause all things that have been dead to be raised up and repositioned I say in you and through you now in this hour for this is an amazing hour and era of my supernatural works through you declares the Lord yes I say hear me know me and prepare as I rattle glory to God as I rattle he said and cause the order of my house this is powerful as I rattle and I cause the order of my house to come into proper alignment and order this he said this is the time that I will be known and you will be my light and my breath extended to those who walk in darkness I say rise up now rise up and move in my power and my supernatural glory for surely all that I have spoken shall now come I say it is well hear me it is well I shift all things it is time and I move now declares the spirit of the Lord