Woe to those in governmental or federal positions who ran or were part of the biggest money laundering scheme this Nation or the world has ever seen. Your days in your positions are numbered, and all the crimes you committed and every way you defrauded the American people will come out from the biggest and most extensive audits this Nation has ever seen. Nothing will be left out. All your honey holes, every record book, and the servers where you stored these money trails are coming with an explosive force to decimate this criminal financial system. Everyone who bankrolled and padded their pockets off the backs of the American people will be judged and sentenced for everything they have been part of.  

Woe to those architects with your blueprints of this Ponzi scheme and all who have been part of it or profited off the backs of the taxpayers in this Nation. You thought this fraud and thievery were protected by all your layers of agencies and the minions you bought out to do your dirty work. Exposure of every layer, agency, and employee you controlled, manipulated, bribed, or blackmailed in every sector to keep your machine funded and controlled by the old guard, and every backdoor deal and person that was slaughtered to keep this glorified hedge fund running will be the least of your worries. (Rather), it will be the unprecedented judgment in front of the world, which will be served by Me, says the Lord of Hosts. 

Your days of great theft and deception have come to an end. These audits you see now are nothing compared to what is coming to (make you) account for all the money you laundered and used to blackmail, pay off your opponents, steal elections, and control nations at will. You designed everything you could to enslave the world with your global system. 

You started wars to cause more chaos, conflicts, and distractions so you could profit off the death of anyone who got in the way of your plans. You paid to have nations globally fix their elections so you would have your global puppets everywhere, and all the nations would align with your design. 

You controlled the world with your news. You also paid to have them say what you wanted so your fake news would be the only thing people heard. But every major news network you paid to suppress the real news will implode. News networks will receive an audit, and they will show the money trails—who and where the money went. 

I will show how the intelligence agencies and technology were used to brainwash and pollute the minds of every American and manipulate this Nation and other nations to follow along by using psychological operations (psyops) to influence their behaviors. Your psyops that were funded by the American taxpayers and (targeted) against themselves will be exposed. 

Audits will expose more than money laundering and fraud. They will expose all the criminal activity on every level throughout this Nation’s government—everyone who was paid to destroy this Nation, commit treason, or end the lives of anyone who got in the way. It is all coming out—the servers, the laptops, the emails, the photos, and the phone conversations. Everything the swamp was hiding is coming out in the open. These audits will collapse the establishment and their entire system. 

The “legal” fraud system they designed and disguised as the government’s budget to destroy this Nation is collapsing. The more it is exposed, the more panic your enemies will be in. Things are about to take a fiery turn, and your enemies will take a shot at you, oh United States, but it will fail. Hold on for My audits, more exposures, and more collapsing of their system. Their control is coming to an end. These are the days for you (to receive) freedom from the system and the ones who controlled it, says the Lord of Hosts.