The Lord has his eye on St. Louis, and this is the word that he gave me yesterday morning at 1045 a.m. This was Saturday the 15th of 2025 at 1045 a.m. He said, St. Louis, my eyes are upon you.
Oh, St. Louis, I have my eyes on you. I have strategically established this moment for you.
And I will show forth my glory. A great awakening will take place that will cause old ways and mindsets to be broken off of the people. Come to me now and prepare for the rising up of my saints in the region of St. Louis, for I will raise up my remnant filled with my glory.
Prepare, I say, for the equipping of those who have never experienced me. Now what is he saying there? He’s talking to the pastors. He’s talking to the teachers.
He’s talking to the ministers in the St. Louis region that they are going to need you. Those individuals are going to need the teachers and the pastors and the ministers to help them because they’re about to experience God’s glory that they’ve never experienced before. He said, prepare, I say, for the equipping of those who have never experienced me, for they shall experience my power and all shall know that I am God.
A great momentum now comes. Hallelujah. The fire of my spirit shall rest upon my own and they shall do great and mighty exploits for me.
The power of my spirit shall fall with miracles and signs and wonders taking place. Oh, I say, prepare for the shift that shall change the government in this region. I shall pour upon those who are hungry and I shall raise up the new leaders who will be dependent upon me.
I will lead them and I will direct them by my spirit, declares the Lord. Oh, St. Louis, I come to shift generations for such a time as this. I come and you will see change and you will see my glory and you will know that I am God for I will park the waters and I will show you my supernatural power.
The time of visitation and habitation has now come, declares the Lord. Prepare now for your God is coming and all will know that the hand of God is near to them. I shall fill you with my glory.
Come to me and see the hand and the love of your father in heaven. Hallelujah.