America, come now and put your faith and trust in me. You will very soon see the very acts that were being done right under your feet. That I have had my eye on and that I see. They will not get away with anything that I have seen. My hand is moving across this land to wipe the slate clean. It got vicious and vile, and that is what you will no longer see, but you will see the very people who did these lewd acts.

After they are gone by the way of (death), bars & Guantanamo Bay, don’t be afraid, but also don’t wallow, for most of these people will lose their lives and never get a chance to live with me in eternity.

I am coming, America! This is the time, this is the year, this is the season. I am ready to act and ready to act now. For I am on my way like you have never seen. I am on my way. Brace yourself, my children, for what you are about to see. Things are coming you’ve never imagined for the bad and the good.

The evil will be gone, and the wealth will be entered in. I am restoring. Rest in the fact I have your back in every moment, in every season, at every time. I am right by your side. Call and reach out to me. I hear you, and I receive you. I am your comfort and your everlasting Father. I will never leave you nor forsake you. For you are my child, and you have always been, so look up to me.

You will be pleased at the days coming ahead. The exposure will be great, and it is worth the wait, the celebration will follow and then the wealth will be icing on the cake.

Gold and silver, get you some now. Don’t sit and wait.

Tell my children, the wealth is being entered in. The wealth is being entered in!

I am bringing life back into the nation again. I am going to breathe on this nation again, a breath from heaven from my very lungs. I will breathe on this nation, and it will be sanctified again.

The glory is coming; the glory is coming and will be welcomed back into my United States, where I will hover over this land and all 50 states.