My children, the exposures you have seen are nothing compared to what is about to be uncovered—how far back this criminal government began, when it started, how it started, why it was established, and who designed it.
It will bring a shock to this Nation how many people were behind such devastation, corruption, misery, death, and fraud, not only in this country but around the world.
When everything is uncovered and given to the public, you will find out how and when wars were started, their design, their purpose, who profited from them, what it meant for each nation, and what their part was in the great reset.
Every war has been started on purpose, to give more power to the elites. They profited and benefited in ways that will be hard for most people to comprehend. This includes every economic depression, recession, reset, and bump or disturbance in the economy. It was all by design. I will show you who banked the most from the economic disasters and where they are today because of it.
And I will show how corporations grew by design and how Hollywood was purposely involved in the establishment, the old guard, Silicon Valley, and every Ponzi scheme.
There is more to Bernie Madoff and that hidden financial fraud scheme. He was another fall guy, so the real architects behind the financial schemes and fraud, meant to control every financial entity out there, could be hidden.
There is more to the story about Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of FTX, that your government wanted to bury, but it will all be exposed. And the list goes on, of more just like this. Some are smaller, but there are bigger Ponzi schemes that still exist right now, controlling nations, economies, and the masses around the world.
A financial war was set in motion long ago, one that only certain people would really profit from while others would lose it all. Bankruptcies were staged in major corporations to hide something more sinister behind them. They choose which companies (would be involved) and when to bury the financial records and more money to hide everything they could, should anyone get close to the truth—like Enron. And there is more to this story that will come out. Every corporation where they buried money or secrets will be unearthed and exposed in front of the world.
The Great Depression was a design by the elites to cause the establishment to be put on steroids to speed up their corporation in taking over this Nation. Look at who benefited from the depression and the recessions. None of these things were by accident. They were all set in motion to take over this country more and more.
The truth regarding WWII and how your government played a horrifying part in it will all be exposed. War racketeering and every architect and their blueprints will be exposed.
The Vietnam War was the same—war racketeering and how the establishment used this as a front and a distraction for something far worse against this Nation. All the war crimes this government committed will be exposed.
Follow the money. It goes deeper and is much worse than what is publicly known at this time. It will reveal a darkness and a system that was running everything while people were completely unaware.
All the government’s dark secrets are coming out, including President Kennedy’s assassination. It carries with it a truth that will uncover even more of the corruption in these intelligence communities—who really is controlling the government, what Kennedy was going to expose and dismantle in your government.
The establishment secrets that are not yet out in the open will be revealed, (starting) with the uncovering of who truly killed JFK, his brother Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and even going back as far as Lincoln. Lincoln’s murder was also an inside job. President Lincoln was going to expose the establishment’s secrets as well. He was going to dismantle the dark, corrupt government that lurked in the shadows of this Nation, trying to destroy its very existence even back then.
My children, Hollywood’s dark past and dark connections to the establishment and why Hollywood is such an essential part of the establishment and the great reset will all come out. This will collapse the establishment’s narrative and the control they have had over this country. Follow the money, and you will find the heinous crimes committed by Hollywood and the establishment. They are part of the same system that is destroying society and brainwashing the masses using intelligence PSYOPS (psychological operations).
My United States, the darkness that was brought into this Nation and the truth about Freemasons and their part in the destruction of this country (will come out). Secret societies have been embedded in your government and every system they have designed against you.
Yes, these societies have been controlling your Nation and other nations around the world. They design pandemics and diseases at will to profit from your sickness. They design wars to profit from death and destruction. They design financial catastrophes to profit from your debt and bankruptcies. They profit from society tearing itself apart because of mental illnesses designed with their PSYOPS on a worldwide scale.
My children, their designs have affected each nation and the world as you know it, but now you will see the pharaohs of today and their style of the Egyptian and Babylonian systems be dismantled and brought to nothing before your very eyes. Your government is full of criminals and actors, and I am cleaning all of them out of those seats that they do not belong in.
Your freedom is coming. True celebrations will be enjoyed. This great political fallout will cleanse your Nation of the criminals that have held you against your will. I have said—let My people go. You will see these words come to pass right before your eyes, just like the Israelites did in My Word. Your enemies will not continue to torture you or hold you against your will when I have set you free, says the Lord your Redeemer.