Oh, My United States, your enemies have used tunnels against you in unprecedented ways. You have heard of them being used, but the reason they exist and how many there are is inconceivable. What they have hidden in them will shock this Nation. They created a system below ground to destroy what was above them. 

My children, the tunnels your enemies built (to use) against you are everywhere. They are vast. This is where they have slithered—below ground in the darkness below the radar to hide their corruption, their plans, their agendas, and to protect their global regime and their plan to wipe you out while they stay safe. 

Their plan for extinction is no joke and no conspiracy. They have a plan to decimate nations, your food supply, and your water resources and for everything they plan to poison you with, so you are helpless against their attacks. It is a type of silent war, and you cannot resist or fight back if you do not know they are doing this or that they are doing it on purpose. 

I will show you the machines they have hidden underground. I will show you their child trafficking paths right underneath your feet, hidden where no one can stop what they are doing. 

My children, your enemies’ tunnels will be raided and destroyed. Their next moves will be stopped. These tunnels are underneath major cities, corporations, and your capital. These tunnels are located around the world, hiding the globalists, their systems, machines, and weapons (to be used) against you. They have held your gold and silver. Their honey holes and bank accounts are hidden in servers buried below you; that way, no one would ever know they existed. 

Their banks and vaults are also hidden underground with unprecedented amounts of cash, jewelry, art resources of unspeakable wealth, and hidden treasures they have tried to keep for themselves. 

My children, your enemies even have cures for every disease hidden underground in servers where no one was ever going to find them. This is so they can continue to keep the population down to numbers (that allow) them to sustain their global control and protect their resources for themselves. 

My children, your enemies eat food without poisons and drink water without toxins. They know the right thing to do to sustain their lives while they try to shorten yours. Medical cures have been suppressed, and people were murdered to keep the FDA, big pharma, and big government in control. These tunnels are the key to keeping the death machine alive, but all their tunnels will be raided by Me, says the Lord. 

I have told you not to walk by sight. Things are not how they appear to be because there are many things you have not yet seen. My infiltrators have what they need to destroy and bring down these underground systems beneath your feet. 

No more can your enemies continue this system or continue this war because I am moving My Hand to destroy what they have done to you and your land, says the Lord of Hosts.