“The darkness has worked for years fine-tuning a plan to cause such FEAR, PANIC, and CONFUSION that they will be able to step in and TAKE CONTROL of the world. This plan is full of ILLUSION and DELUSION and if you are WEAK in your FAITH or you only have HEAD KNOWLEDGE of Me, you are in JEOPARDY of being DECEIVED. Understand that I ALWAYS HAVE A BETTER PLAN. Remember that I LAUGH at My enemies, and I SEE all the WEAKNESSES in their plans and I KNOW exactly how to DEFEAT them because I HAVE A BETTER PLAN. Their PRIDE and their GREED will be their DOWNFALL because it will keep them from knowing that I HAVE A BETTER PLAN. I AM well able to PREEMPT their evil and clever plan by INSERTING My BETTER PLAN in its place. As the icing on the cake, their ARROGANCE will keep them from seeing that it is MY BETTER PLAN; they will believe it is their DARK PLAN that is unfolding. They will REVEAL who they truly are—all MASKS WILL COME OFF—when they think they are winning. Then, My BETTER PLAN goes into FULL SWING, and I RESCUE the world from the UNMASKED DARKNESS. Their intricate, high-tech, deadly plans will be a DUMPSTER FIRE that they are REQUIRED to WATCH as it BURNS UP all their plans for WORLD DOMINATION and CONTROL. I AM telling you these things so that you WILL NOT BE CAPTURED BY FEAR but you will REMAIN IN FAITH and FIGHTING MODE, as MY BETTER PLAN unfolds. If your FAITH IS WEAK or you only have HEAD KNOWLEDGE of Me, COME TO ME NOW! I will REVEAL Myself to you as the STRONG AND MIGHTY ONE who will RESCUE, PROVIDE, and PRESERVE you as the world moves from dark to Light. Always remember that I HAVE A BETTER PLAN.”
Diana Larkin
A Watchman’s Journal