I was suddenly in the Garden of life and Enoch was speaking to me!

He understood and spoke to questions I was having about the future of our nation and the world. He told me that the glorious future that I have seen may take years to reach its fullness, but my union with the Father is my true source of joy. As the good future unfolds, it will be icing on the cake. He reminded me that the day he lived in on the earth was very wicked (right before the flood), but he still found great joy and satisfaction from his union with the Father. Enoch then raised his right hand and placed it near my heart. He said these precious words, “I bless you to go deeper into the Father’s heart than I did. I bless you to find complete joy and satisfaction in walking with Him. My heart was warm and full, and I know I’m supposed to release this blessing to all of you.The Father speaks:“I saw in Enoch a heart that DESIRED a DEEP and INTIMATE relationship with Me. I see that same LONGING in your heart and in the hearts of the Army of Light. I BLESSED Enoch’s desire to KNOW Me and to WALK with Me, and our UNION became BEAUTIFUL, POWERFUL, and it brought forth the FRUIT of the Kingdom—even in the midst of GROSS DARKNESS in the world. The SEEDS of LIGHT that he sowed from his UNION with Me are STILL BEARING GOOD FRUIT to this day. Your life can have this LIFE-GIVING POWER as well. This is LIGHT that SHATTERS the darkness and ESTABLISHES My Kingdom. I BLESSED Enoch’s UNION and DEEP WALK with Me, and he has now RELEASED that BLESSING to you. What you have been BLESSED with you can now RELEASE to others. RECEIVE the BLESSING and RELEASE it to all who HEAR your voice or READ these words. Declare: ‘I BLESS you to go DEEPER in your walk with the Father, and I RELEASE DEEP JOY and SATISFACTION from your UNION with Him.’ RECEIVE THE BLESSING!”Diana Larkin A Watchman’s Journal