“I want to share with you, as My friend, that I have MARKED many rulers and influential people around the earth for REMOVAL. I have placed My TARGET on them, and they are now OPEN GAME to be HUNTED, CAPTURED, and some completely DESTROYED by the Angel of death. Does this seem harsh to you? Remember that My MERCY far outweighs yours and know that I have given these corrupt people opportunity after opportunity to REPENT and turn to Me, but they have REFUSED My love and HARDENED their hearts towards seeking to CONTROL and USE you for their gain and their selfish pleasures. I will ARISE to PROTECT and DEFEND My children and My people, and I will RIP the stolen wealth out of the hands of the wicked and RETURN it to My people. My people will be BLESSED with abundance, and they will be a blessing to the broken world. Most of the corrupt will become aware that a TARGET has been put on them, and they will begin to PANIC as they FRANTICALLY look for someplace to HIDE, and they SCRAMBLE for additional resources to try and PROTECT themselves and their wealth. NONE OF IT WILL WORK. The MARK that I place on a man cannot be REMOVED, and they will be EXPOSED and brought to JUSTICE. Know that you are MARKED by Me with My PASSIONATE and FIERY LOVE, and it marks you for FULFILLMENT and BLESSING. You will RISE and the darkness will FALL because I have TARGETED IT FOR REMOVAL.”