To My children across the world: things are ramping up and changing in unprecedented ways. The wicked are being brought out from the darkness and from hiding behind their deception, their propaganda, and their death machine.
Your enemies are being exposed in front of the world. A great cleansing is coming to every nation that will receive My Glory and My freedom I have for you—from all the wicked hands and their control. Global changes are coming to governments and nations, and how they are governed.
My children, once you see the swamp removed from Washington and My United States, you will see Me remove the swamp from other nations. They have been embedded across the globe, poisoning every country, so they bow down to their global tyranny and control.
Marxists are everywhere. I am tearing apart the Marxist agenda and their principles, which they have used to deceive the masses away from what is right and demolish societies and nations and true freedom.
My children, I told you I am destroying socialism and communism. Your enemies have suffocated the nations with this type of control, but governments will continue to fall, and worldwide resistance will continue to grow against globalism. Don’t you see, My children? Globalism almost completely took down the nations in this time, just like I warned about in My Word—I said to watch for this in the last days. But it is not yet their time to bring that kind of destruction to the world.
It is not their time for the great tribulation, but if My Church had not awakened and stood in their way, things would have gotten worse more quickly, and time would have been shortened. This is why your enemies want to shorten time—to suffocate My Words and power on Earth so that My Glory could not come because no one would have received it due to the enemy’s deception and darkness.
My children, don’t you see that you need Me more in this time than you realize? Things would have been so much worse if I hadn’t intervened to save the nations from what was coming.
Your enemies’ reset was stopped, yes. But do not stop fighting or standing up against their propaganda and death machine. They are trying to stop what I have planned for you. Attacks are coming, but so are My attacks against your enemies.
Their systems which you live in are coming down. Though you are used to this way of life, everything must change because their systems that have controlled this world must be brought down, and a new one must take their place.
Shock is coming because My wrecking ball of truth will bring down this system of lies that has held you against your will. You have not been free. Don’t you see that your enemies have held you in great bondage? I am now destroying it.
Watch as leaders are forced out of their seats, and some will be arrested before your very eyes—governors, senators, congressmen and women, FBI, CIA, NSA, judges, federal workers, and anyone who has worked with or for the establishment, and it does not matter what position they held. Treason has been committed, and it will be dealt with. Full justice will be served by Me, says the Lord of Hosts.
Abercrombie and Fitch will be in your news for a shocking reason. Truth is coming no matter how big a company is.
Aristotle Onassis: this name will be in your news for a significant reason, and every dark secret will be revealed.
Brewer: this name will be in your news for a surprising reason.
Paris: something significant is about to take place there.
Belize will be in your news for a shocking reason.
My children, drastic measures are being taken against you and your nations to paralyze the world and to stop the rejection of the globalist agenda. But remember, they are nothing against Me. You will see your enemies cut off and silenced.
The dark war they have tried to plague this Earth with is over. So, hold on. Truth is coming in like a wrecking ball to take your enemies out once and for all. Their systems are being dismantled, and Mine are being brought in so that you can receive all I have for you.
My children, this time is for you to receive My Glory and to receive the celebrations I have for you, says the Lord your Redeemer.